Tuesday 18 September 2012

Individual Assignment 3:Grid design- The presentation day ..

Yo...it was a bad-luck day that i had today .My work which put into the pendrive had gone which i trying to print it out at school .Somethings wrong in my pendrive ? maybe? But at last it was going fine .I do it at our school's computer room at last minutes .Luckily, i have some times to do it and print it out .

Finally i had presented my Grid design.As Ms Lisa said , we need to put more effort on it to make it better but i do in last minute so i didnt aspect my work will be the nice in class but Ms Lisa still encourage me that i done a nice job which have a tidy's grid, thanks Ms Lisa.

My theme is the brand of sport shoe , Nike .I found it on internet and found out the details and paste at the grid design, we had 3 grid design which was column ,baseline and golden ratio .
These are my design of grid :(the picture will be update after monday 1st october because my memory card was lend to my teammate of cts for project we had . sorry for didnt update.)

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