Monday 10 September 2012

Group Assignment 1 :Furniture Design Work day process (last day!!)

I am so nervous to show u our creative , fantasy stand lamp !!
This stand lamp accompany us with some weeks!
We spend all of the time and effort on it and hope that it will process it successfully .
waitttttt wait a second i am posting our hardworking-product ..
duuuu.. dudu......

Are u ready?
not yet huh?
ok i will wait u xD

3 .. 2 .. 1 ..
taaa da.....!!

our bulb cover with some decorate which made by our group - SCA-DEZ!
fantasy huh ?
This is what our group done .
The theme of this lamp is Planet.
It made u feel like u stay outside of earth and relax.

Yeah yeah we done our group assignment and i have fun and enjoy while doing this assignment .
Although we had some quarrel but we didint put it into heart and we still a nice teammate !
In this assignment , i learn a lot such as how to manage your time , teamwork ,tolerate ,enjoy each other and morrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeee.
And i still gain a lot of things. This assignment let me know , do a furniture not a easy work .
But the most important things i gain is ... our friendship . A hard and not easier broke's friendship .
Frienship is not a things that u can use money and hardworking to buy it or fight for it , it need time to gain it with slowly , right our team - SCA-DEZ?

tee-tee . Let me show you who is doing behind for this success stand lamp .

Ashley was doing the decoration with serious and zac do the most .
 Zac and Clarin were doing the decoration of the cover for the lamp . Awesome Zac's working.
This the the decoration .
 this is the half-stand lamp that we made xD
After that, we discuss-ing how to made the bulb to light .

oya. i am helping to bend up the lamp shape.
that's me !!!
hello everyone ~~

Hehehehe this the the last process and we were so excited when it almost done . XD

 Lastly,Hope that our lamp will light up your world.

 Bye .

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