Sunday 30 September 2012

Introduction to Paper Cutting

After the grids presentation Miss Lisa had taught us the way of using the pen knife and blade.It was not simple as we though , it was a exactness work that you need to spend your patient and your time on it .These was some of the paper cutting of Miss Lisa shown that i like the most.

In - Class Activity: Brochure Design

I had a quiet long time didn't update my blog already since we had a lot of assignment to do :( .From now i will continue my blog to sharing my works of POD.On this day , Miss Lisa given us an assignment in class which is making a brochure within 2 hours .And we need to decided our partner to do this assignment , so i cooperate with Nelson and did the brochure together because we are always the most positive partner ever xD!Am i correct Nelson ?We need to choose our theme , color , article , layour grid and some pictures, we went to the information counter and found some pictures with relate to our theme , FOOD.

 This was the first things we did, paste all the picture to create the beauty of our brochure .

And we used some material , ruler , paper , glue ,color pencil .

So, this was what our 2 hours result !!!

I learn a lot in this assignment , the most i gain was the friendship and i enjoyed with my friends.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Individual Assignment 3:Grid design- The presentation day .. was a bad-luck day that i had today .My work which put into the pendrive had gone which i trying to print it out at school .Somethings wrong in my pendrive ? maybe? But at last it was going fine .I do it at our school's computer room at last minutes .Luckily, i have some times to do it and print it out .

Finally i had presented my Grid design.As Ms Lisa said , we need to put more effort on it to make it better but i do in last minute so i didnt aspect my work will be the nice in class but Ms Lisa still encourage me that i done a nice job which have a tidy's grid, thanks Ms Lisa.

My theme is the brand of sport shoe , Nike .I found it on internet and found out the details and paste at the grid design, we had 3 grid design which was column ,baseline and golden ratio .
These are my design of grid :(the picture will be update after monday 1st october because my memory card was lend to my teammate of cts for project we had . sorry for didnt update.)

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Individual Assignment 3:Grids

Today, we have a new assignment of POD, that is Grid system.Ms lisa used power point and give us some example and explain to us how the Grid system working .So, The main reason that we learn this assignment is learning how to arrange picture and words for magazine or newspaper to make it more interesting.

We had learn the grid variation which have baseline ,columns,rules of thirds and the last one is golden ration.

And we had in class activities too, work time has begun^^

1st activities was using some different markers to draw out the line on newspaper of magazine which we brought it to campus .

Then, we were required to design our own layout and design.Header , sub header ,callouts ,picture and articles were the basic things that we need to put into the layout which we going to design .

Group Assignment 1: Furniture Design: Presentation Day

finally our furniture had been acceptable from miss lisa. 
Although we are not the best group but we cherish about this frienship .
This picture is taken by our P.O.D lecturer - ms lisa. 

 And we are the second group for the presentation .
I love this furniture which design by CAPFE.

The theme is IRONMAN!!!
So cool!!!

The members of CAPFE!!!

Monday 10 September 2012

Group Assignment 1 :Furniture Design Work day process (last day!!)

I am so nervous to show u our creative , fantasy stand lamp !!
This stand lamp accompany us with some weeks!
We spend all of the time and effort on it and hope that it will process it successfully .
waitttttt wait a second i am posting our hardworking-product ..
duuuu.. dudu......

Are u ready?
not yet huh?
ok i will wait u xD

3 .. 2 .. 1 ..
taaa da.....!!

our bulb cover with some decorate which made by our group - SCA-DEZ!
fantasy huh ?
This is what our group done .
The theme of this lamp is Planet.
It made u feel like u stay outside of earth and relax.

Yeah yeah we done our group assignment and i have fun and enjoy while doing this assignment .
Although we had some quarrel but we didint put it into heart and we still a nice teammate !
In this assignment , i learn a lot such as how to manage your time , teamwork ,tolerate ,enjoy each other and morrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeee.
And i still gain a lot of things. This assignment let me know , do a furniture not a easy work .
But the most important things i gain is ... our friendship . A hard and not easier broke's friendship .
Frienship is not a things that u can use money and hardworking to buy it or fight for it , it need time to gain it with slowly , right our team - SCA-DEZ?

tee-tee . Let me show you who is doing behind for this success stand lamp .

Ashley was doing the decoration with serious and zac do the most .
 Zac and Clarin were doing the decoration of the cover for the lamp . Awesome Zac's working.
This the the decoration .
 this is the half-stand lamp that we made xD
After that, we discuss-ing how to made the bulb to light .

oya. i am helping to bend up the lamp shape.
that's me !!!
hello everyone ~~

Hehehehe this the the last process and we were so excited when it almost done . XD

 Lastly,Hope that our lamp will light up your world.

 Bye .

Sunday 2 September 2012

assignment 2

4th Sep 2012

That day, we had hand up our assignment , my assignment was not nice that was because i don't really understand what i should do .I need to learn and concentrate in the class and asking friend what we going to do next time.I felt relax when finish the assignment that day :D