Monday 27 August 2012

The Group Assignment !!

That was a day i went to Sunway Pyramid by feet and sweating all over my body.
yeahhh, these were 3 litter boys walking to the sunway pyramid too and it is walk together from the left the shortest to the right the longest, it is cute XD
(back to topic)
I was late but my TEAMMATE didn't blame me but asked me to treat a starbuck , especially Denny :P 

hey denny dont scold me please :D
Everyone gave many examples and listed down all the materiel that we need to use in our furniture and we decided to choose some materiel which secret now but it will present it after next week i think (?)
This is what we sketched and finalize the furniture ,we designed it with a aquarium's theme which is a stand lamp ( fantastic right ?!)

That was the day to say byebye when we had finished our discussion ,my TEAMMATE !!

Assignment 2

August 27
It is a outdoor study and i enjoy it .Our lecturer want us to take 20 pictures of a title with a frame which made by us .That day had a event that i don't know what was the event actually and i shoot a picture i love very much and i want to share with u all .
It is a robot ?ya i think so .I love the scene and the colour i shoot it that day and it is clear and the background  which had some blur effect .
On that day, Our POD lecture- ms lisa want us to take 20 picture in the campus and 30 outside the campus, collect them and make it to a slide show and present to her .
I chose a title which is simple, it is t-shirt.Why i chose the title with t-shirt is because that my girlfriend likes me to wear t-shirt and i always thought about her in the class (dont scold me :P)
After that i go pyramid with my girlfriend for the 30 picture .We are fun that doing the assignment that day because we went to many branded shop and secretly shoot their shirt .We also that some shirts into the fitting room and shoot inside the fitting room and we did not buy it .I think the workers on working that day was thinking that we were so WEIRD! XD
Thankyou my girlfriend that willing to help me and do my assistant that day, without her i can't enjoy my assignment .

Sunday 26 August 2012

My Self Portrait

hmm Hi .
I am Song Da which taking foundation in design and my english not very well , please don't laugh me .This is my self portrait and i imagine that i am a charater of a animation which name One Piece , a most famous cartoon on internet .My drawing skill poor too and i hope i can learn and improve it .So, this is my self portrait .
It it so ugly and funny right ?Stop laughing me!!!That day ,our lecturer gave us about one hour and a half to finish our self portrait, so i started with my friends to find out some ingredient to design my portrait .Firstly, i drew a character from one piece , it names is Monkey-D-Luffy.Although it is not me but i like to be him.He is awesome and he is my most admire person in the world .He has the spirit that never give up and i hope i will also never give up in anythings included my studies.Sometimes when he met some problem he always thought positive to solve the problem, that is his strong point!!Lets back to topic,after that we chat-ing non-stop and ran all over the whole campus and found some leaves ,wasted paper ,stone and etc.I chose some leaves which near the back gates to pretend my hair.I love red colour and i pick up some plastic which was red colour and cut it out the be my shirt.The last thing i did was cut a plastic which someone threw on the floor to be the nose of my portrait . That's all i done for my portrait .