Monday 6 May 2013

Self portrait ,about a new me .

Ding dong ~~
After a long long holidays , class has started again ._.
I was not ready but I have to. In our first 2D class , ms Lisa was giving us a lecturer and a in class assignment as usual .
She letting us guess what our 1st in class assignment is but no 1 was correct .
So basically the assignment was same as our first semester , our self portrait ~
But this time we need to did it more professional .
She gave us about 2hours for the assignment , without wasting times, we started to find the material to make our self portrait .
I decided to make my self portrait with unique and suitable for my characteristic , I found a pack of balloons at a shop.
And I choose a pink balloon for me with match me because pink represent a childlike people . I also put some paper and draw the face on it .
Andddddddd this is my self portrait !!

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