Sunday 18 November 2012

Group Assignment 2: Colour Wheel

This is the group assignment of color wheel.
We actually had a lots of ideas but lastly we came out with a String arts with rainbow color.
And our group members are Me, Clarin , Evelyn , Ashley and Zachary!! And so we change our group name to SCAZE.
Below shown some of the process of our string arts.

Firstly, we asked clarin to lie on the board and imagine the portrait and drew it out .
We also brought the rainbow colors of string to be out main material . 
This is the second day that we doing the string arts at pod class.
All of us helping each other doing the works.And specially thanks Ilisa and Nelson which helping us too xD
Same things.
Izit looks pretty?
The hairs almost done .
This is the final outcome of our portrait , we spend a lot of effort on it , i am proud of our works.
Here we are !
Are you guys enjoy? I am not sure but i am!