Wednesday 10 October 2012

Individual Assignment 5: Colour Values!

This portrait was doubtless painted in Florence between 1503 and 1506. It is thought to be of Lisa Gherardini, wife of a Florentine cloth merchant named Francesco del Giocondo - hence the alternative title, La Gioconda. However, Leonardo seems to have taken the completed portrait to France rather than giving it to the person who commissioned it. It was eventually returned to Italy by Leonardo's student and heir Salai. It is not known how the painting came to be in François I's collection.

So, these were the hot and cold colors that i edited by photoshop. It helped me to improve my edit skills and the knowledge of colors.
On that day, Miss Lisa seperated our works into 3 groups , Very good , Good , and Not good.
My works were displayed at Good but not Very good .I will try and try to do the best in my works of futures ...

Monday 8 October 2012

Individual Exercise: Colours

On October 1st , Miss Lisa was given us a assignment about colours .Each colors have each meanings and mood depend on.We also learned how fonts play an important role in getting the right emotions .On the class , Miss Lisa Explained the meaning of colors and the following was the meaning of the colors .

Red symbolizes: action, confidence, courage, vitality

Pink symbolizes: love, beauty

Brown symbolizes: earth, order, convention

Blue symbolizes: youth, spirituality, truth, peace

Purple symbolizes: Royalty, magic, mystery

Black symbolizes: Death, earth, stability

Gray symbolizes: Sorrow, security, maturity

White symbolizes: Purity, Cleanliness

I used rainbow-ish color to represent my name because i trust that nobody will only represent one emotion but full of emotion in our life, am i right ?
And i can be courage ,childlish ,positive , health , respect , luxury ,and a lots of emotion!

Monday 1 October 2012

Individual Assignment 4: Paper Cutouts

We were given a assignment by Miss Lisa which is The Paper Cutouts.This was the assignment that i spend most of my time on it .All of our classmate spend a lot of effort and time with their works on this assignment and their paper cutout was awesome and delicateness.

Each of us was given to do two difference design paper cutout by Miss Lisa.The first paper cutout was balance and symmetry and the second paper cutout was dominance,space and weight.

These were my works that done with my passion .

I love the paper cutouts of mine which was a girl and a guy kissing below a tree.That works spend me a day night to cut out the details on a single paper!